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A healthy  postpartum journey to discover your




Mama is taking care of baby ... but who is helping take care of MAMA?

The transition to motherhood is beautiful, but it can be overwhelming and confusing.




Design a vision for what a healthy life as a mama means and looks like to you, and why it truly matters to you


Learn how to plan and prep high energy foods to restore your hormones and vitality


Discover how to incorporate movement into your new, demanding schedule


Rediscover your body


Connect and heal emotionally to the new woman you have become and will continue to grow into


Cultivate a loving relationship with your new, sexy Mama Bod


Understand when and how to ask for help


Develop a toolbox of skills to deal with your emotions, so that eating isn’t your only solution


Mama guilt is real! Learn how to let go of stress and judgment


Cultivate techniques to remain calm in the chaos


Other areas based on the needs and wants of the client


Every Balanced Mama program ​is designed around the specific needs and wants of the individual client. During this journey, we trade judgment for curiosity as we work together to overcome YOUR unique struggles and accomplish YOUR unique lifestyle goals. 

Balanced Mama  Pricing

12 Week Program

12 weekly sessions

60 minute sessions

Package Total: $697

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